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What I Did On My Summer Vacation

It’s been two weeks since I was in my office or at a Bible class, worship service, or meeting connected with Highland.  It’s the most prolonged break from congregational ministry I’ve taken in a very long time.  And I am grateful for it. 

I learned to enjoy Memphis again.  Several of those days were spent in town with my Mom and my kids (sadly, Kendra had to work one of my two weeks off).  We splashed around at Mud Island, we ate at local restaurants, we painted pottery at a nearby shop, and we just played tourist.  I learned to enjoy the city of the Memphis and the people of the Mid South again.

I reconnected with my family, especially with my kids.  With Highland’s relocation, the last three years have been tremendously busy years for me.  More meetings than normal.  More activities than normal.  More stresses than normal.  And, more being gone from home than normal.  It was wonderful to be there when my kids got up and when my kids went to bed 13 days in a row.

I rested.  It took me about five days to stop regularly checking my email, thinking about sermons, and wondering about projects.  But I finally reached the point where my mind and spirit truly rested from my labors.  Having two Sundays off really helped in this regard.  The first Sunday all I could think about was what was happening right then at Highland and praying all went well.  By the second Sunday, I could truly relax and just worship at the church we attended.  And, my body rested.  Only once in 13 days did I use an alarm clock to wake up.  All other mornings I went to bed when I was tired and woke up when refreshed.  Wonderful!

I reconnected with God in new and fresh ways.  I had occasions to pray early in the mornings on the Gulf Shore beach several days in a row.  It was a new setting and new context for my prayer time and I found myself thinking about God in new ways and experiencing God in new ways.  I had time to sit and contemplate and meditate without worrying about needing to wrap it up and get on to something else.  I read lots of Scripture, especially the Old Testament and was amazed and awed once more at the mighty acts of God in his Story.

I am grateful for such a prolonged break.  And, I look forward to returning today.

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