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Chris Altrock

Winners & Losers: Finished (Rev. 16:17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 28, 2016

Winners and Losers Website

Endless Tasks

The ancient Greeks had a legend about a king named Sisyphus. Sisyphus was the king of Corinth. He was a bit of a troublemaker–so much so that he got on the wrong side of the gods. As a result, in the afterlife, he was assigned a troublesome task. Sisyphus was forced to roll a giant boulder up a mountain. But just before he got to the top, an evil force would cause the boulder to slip from his grasp and tumble to the bottom. Sisyphus would have to go to the bottom and roll the boulder the top again. Where, once again, the boulder would slip and roll to the bottom. Sisyphus was condemned to repeat this unending task forever.

Ever since, certain tasks have come to be known as Sisyphean–they are unending in nature. In our staff meeting last week we shared some of the Sisyphean tasks of ministry. Read More »Winners & Losers: Finished (Rev. 16:17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 28, 2016

Winners & Losers: Following the Lamb in the Shadow of Monsters (Rev. 12:17-14:5) Brent Hall & Chris Altrock – Aug. 21, 2016

Winners and Losers Website

Introduction – CHRIS

I’m grateful this morning for the opportunity to preach with Brent Hall. Brent is Highland’s preaching and adult ministry apprentice. Many of you have already connected with him in a Wednesday night class or Sunday School class that he’s taught. Brent is helping lead worship at our Night of Praise this evening. He was also a counselor this summer at Camp Highland and has served in a number of other capacities. It’s a joy to have him on staff as part of our commitment to learn from emerging leaders and to be a place where emerging leaders can learn from us. Brent and I are preaching from Revelation 13-14.Read More »Winners & Losers: Following the Lamb in the Shadow of Monsters (Rev. 12:17-14:5) Brent Hall & Chris Altrock – Aug. 21, 2016

Winners & Losers: Fighting Dragons (Rev. 12) Chris Altrock – Aug. 14, 2016

Winners and Losers Website

More Than We See

The Light Between the Oceans is a novel, soon to be a movie, by M. L. Stedman. It tells the story of Tom and Isabel Sherbourne. Shortly after World War 1, the young couple move to Janus Rock, 100 miles off the coast of Australia, to run the lighthouse, where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet. Tom and Isabel only receive visitors from the mainland once every three months and only visit the mainland once every few years.

Isabel endures three tragic miscarriages on Janus Rock. After the third, strangely, providentially, a small boat washes up on their tiny shore. It carries a man who has died, and an infant who is, miraculously, alive. Tom and Isabel, partially acting out of grief from their third miscarriage and partially out of what they truly believe is best for the infant, take the child as their own. They name her Lucy and raise her.Read More »Winners & Losers: Fighting Dragons (Rev. 12) Chris Altrock – Aug. 14, 2016

Winners & Losers: Becoming One (Rev. 7:9-17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 7, 2016

Winners and Losers Website


August is my work anniversary month. In August 1998 I started preaching at Highland. This month I celebrate 18 years of preaching at Highland.

And somewhere along the way I got the reputation of giving away the ending of movies. Now, to be fair, there was a time when I probably used movies as sermon illustrations more than I do now. But the reputation I’ve gained as one who gives away the ending of the latest movies is probably not fair. Every time I mention a movie in a sermon now, I see some of you cringe, as if I’m going to reveal some plot twist that will ruin your chance to pay $30 to go see the movie at the theatre this weekend. I’ll admit, I’ve given away some plot twists. But not that many. And, even when I did, it turns out that I was actually doing you a favor.Read More »Winners & Losers: Becoming One (Rev. 7:9-17) Chris Altrock – Aug. 7, 2016