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Spiritual Discipline of the Week: #5 Sabbath

Adele Calhoun writes about 62 spiritual disciplines in her book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook.

Disciplines #1 – #6 relate to the general idea of WORSHIP.

Here’s discipline #5 – Sabbath.  Sabbath is most simply the practice of setting apart “one day a week for rest and worship of God.”  The Jews were commanded to practice Sabbath (Ex. 20:8-10).  Jesus affirmed our need for Sabbath (Mk. 2:27).  And life with God is, in general, described as a Sabbath (Heb. 4:1-11).  It is a time when we focus on being rather than on doing.

The practice includes the following: setting aside time for intimacy with God and others you love; resting in God; practicing restful activities such as taking walks, having a picnic, taking a nap, visiting someone you care for, playing games with your kids, etc.; letting go of the things that  stress you for twenty-four hours; and not developing a to-do list.

Practicing a Sabbath will bring freedom from your addiction to busyness, help you acknowledge your human limits and live within them, honor the way God created you by living a healthy and intentionally rested life; and trust God for all that you’re not doing and taking care of during your Sabbath.

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