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Spiritual Discipline of the Week: #4 Rule for Life

Adele Calhoun writes about 62 spiritual disciplines in her book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook.

Disciplines #1 – #6 relate to the general idea of WORSHIP.

Here’s discipline #4 – Rule for Life.  The rule for life provides a way to “live a sane and holy rhythm that reflects a deep love for God and respect for how he has made” you.  It is a specific way to partner with the Holy Spirit in personal transformation. 

What exactly is a rule for life?  It is a “simple statement of the regular rhythms we choose in order to present our bodies to God as our ‘spiritual act of worship’ (Romans 12:1).  Each rule, or rhythm, is a way we partner with God for the transformation only he can bring.” 

For example, the early church members seemed to organize their lives around four rules or rhythms (or spiritual practices): learning the apostles’ teaching, fellowship with one another, breaking bread (holy communion?), and prayer (Acts 2:42).   They habitually engaged in this practices and through them experienced transformation and spiritual growth. 

A rule for life is simply the list of those spiritual disciplines/practices you intend to engage in over a period of time.  It is a kind of spiritual growth plan.  When writing out a rule for life, you should take into account ways in which you feel closest to God; what spiritual disciplines suit your daily, monthly, and yearly rhythms; what limitations you have in your life right now and how that might impact what spiritual disciplines you practice; where and how you want to change as a person, etc.

Some examples of rules that might make up a rule for life are: confess my sins before I go to bed each night; practice the presence of God; eat sensibly; see my spiritual director once a month.

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