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Sermon On the Mount in (about) 220 Words

In The Secret Message of Jesus Brian McLaren offers a 200 word summary of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  It is a moving, poetic, and helpful summary.  Some things, however, are overlooked.

Below is my attempt to do something similar, but to include what seems missing in McLaren’s summary.  In about 220 words I’ve summarized the Sermon on the Mount.  It is my hope that this summary might become something you’ll glance at frequently to remind yourself of Jesus’ vision for your life:

I bless you who are

poor in spirit,


meek, and

longing for righteousness.


I make you a blessing as you show



peacemaking, and

a willingness to suffer for what is right.


Do good deeds that act as salt and light.


Do not harbor anger but seek reconciliation.


Pay any price to think and act without lust.


Do not divorce but be faithful.


Do not deceive but let your yes mean yes.


Do not respond to evil with violence but with love.


Give to the poor, pray, and fast for God’s sake alone.


Pray for God’s kingdom to come.


Do not be miserly and thus serve Money but be generous and thus serve God.


Do not worry but trust in the caring provision and kingdom purpose of the Father.


Strengthen your own weaknesses rather than pointing out the weaknesses of others.


Pray trusting in a Father who knows how to give good gifts.


Do to others what you would have them do to you.


Do not follow the crowded path but follow the little-traveled path.


Do not listen to others because of the fruit on their resumes but because of the fruit in their character.


Do not aspire to the claim of sensational spirituality but to the claim of simple obedience.


Do not merely listen to these words but do live them out.

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