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Brueggemann on Exodus

Two wonderful coworkers and I are equipping our Sunday School teachers to share a 6 week series from Exodus 1-15 with their classes.

Here is a marvelous quote from Walter Brueggemann in the New Interpreter’s Bible:

“The structures, policies, and agents of oppression that have seemed ordained to perpetuity are here delegitimated and overthrown.  The text permits the entertainment of a world that is different, which in turn permits different kinds of behavior.  What happens in the text thus serves to make abused, oppressed persons subjects of their own history, able and authorized to take responsibility for their own future…what is given are imaginative possibilities in which the God who hears the cries of the abused Hebrews hears the cries of other abused persons as well and enacts promises that authorize and embolden.”

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